Thursday, March 17, 2011


Okay, i keep putting this one post on and taking it off... Simply because I get all kind of shy and blushy like when I want to share something that makes me happy... but I am forcing myself to leave it... so here it goes..

This is a real quick post just to say that I hit the 50,000 mark in views today on my little old Average Life!  Usually, I never say anything about milestones on my blog but for some ridiculous reason, I got pretty excited  about this and I just had to share it because... well... I don't know, who the freak cares anyway huh? But, isn't it funny the things that you get excited about?  It felt like I won the lottery! Yup, I know... I need to get a life!

You know the ironic part is that when I started blogging I had absolutely no idea what blogging was.  I actually thought bloggers were part of some high tech, computer knowledgeable cult.  Oh my gawd, I giggle now when I think about my naivety. And you know, it only took me to fall in love with one blog and rent Julie & Julia for me to start my own.  

In April of last year, when I started this blog, my only aspirations were to reach 10 followers and 700 hits for the year.  And there is nothing wrong with that aspiration, I have to tell you.  With so many blogs and so many choices, it really is difficult to attract attention to your blog, if that is what you want.  I have been beyond fortunate as I have had some seriously nice bloggers look out for me, think of me, do shout outs for me, and feature me.  Wow, where would I be without the kindness of others.  Really. *pause to scratch head and reflect*

Anywhooo, this could not have been even possible without you.  And if we were in a grocery line up right at this moment, I just want you to know that I would throw ticker tape and confetti at you and give you a big old smoocharoo, followed by a rather warm embrace, with a great big bouquet of balloons and a free gift certificate for a can of Spam! Now aren't you sad that you missed that!

So thank you, my lovely, lovely, very lovely.... friends, because that is what you are., you know.. lovely, wonderful "friends".  And aren't I the lucky one.


  1. Congrats! :o)

    And between Julie & Julia and Jen Lancaster, those were my inspirations for starting a blog. :o)

  2. Congrats! I had similar goals - I was over the moon when I got 20 :)

  3. yay, so exciting! ok, i had nothing to do with this, i'm just your insignificant, non-milestoney 50,035th visitor.

    i started blogging in 2005 and i was nerdily giddy when i hit 50,000. but that was before moving to blogspot and seemingly starting from scratch :( now i'm once again obsessed with getting followers, checking stats, etc. i'm a loooong way from any milestones!

  4. Thank you thank you.

    I hope it turns around for you soon Manders an thanks for following!

  5. Wow! It must be a really exhilarating feeling!

    I'm right behind you in the grocery store... ;-)

  6. i'm not much for spam, but i'll take the confetti and smooches.
    nice on the big, round number!

  7. Wow! That is definitely something to get excited about. Congrats :)

  8. That is an unbelievable number! Congrats. Obviously you have something to offer people to get that many views.

  9. Congratulations darlin'. You've brought entertainment to a lot of people. It's a great accomplishment.

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm with SherilinR tho - no spam for me! I love blogging, just wish I had more time to do it.

  11. Congratulations to you! You are inspiring and talented. Hugs and smooches back at you. Keep the spam!

  12. Congrats. I've thought of what kind of goals I should make for my blog, but really don't know of any, because I don't really know what to expect. I've debated making a post about it and seeing what you veterans say, but I'm afraid that no one may know, or if they do, I'm afraid they wouldn't tell me, and if they did tell me, I'm afraid that my numbers would be dismal in comparrison to what they said they should be... man, I'm scared shitless over here.

  13. Thank you guys! What no one wants Spam...?

    Paul, I make minimal goals and then I don't have to worry about my expectations being met, now how's that for being a great big ole chicken?

  14. Um, I can't take the spam. Too many childhood memories of the can opener and the plopping sound. My mom was into canned everything!
    I still feel the texture in my throat as I gagged it down with apple juice.
    Another delectable treat was "junket"....a watery pudding that, if we kids let it sit long enough, would break up into little strips of beige gel. Ewwww.

  15. Oh my gawd Carole that sounds disgusting! Uggh! LOL

    I have ever only eaten spam once in my lifetime, My very lovely Great Aunt, who we called Auntie Twinkle Toes, invited me to lunch one day, and she was pretty poor and could not afford much, and she whipped up a lunch of lettuce leaves with a sprinkle of raisins on it, a jello salad and spam, and I ate it because I loved her so much and because she was so generous to share her meager amount of food. Geez this little walk down memory lane makes me miss her a ton... hmmm, can someone pass me me a tissue..

  16. 50,000 views...WHOOPEE.. how fun. See how much we all enjoy your blogyness.
    good for blogger cults.

    smooches and congrats to ya for sure

  17. Congrats on sticking with all that hard work of improving the quality of your life. And thank you for being such a wonderful friend, and always leaving comments that give my day much sunshine.

  18. I was pleasantly surprised when I popped over to your blog today and found that you're back!! I did a little spring cleaning and un-followed anyone who hadn't posted for awhile, and I must have un-followed you on accident. I knew you'd be back. I had saved you under my favorites on my navigation bar and I'm glad I did. I signed up to re-follow. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us :)

  19. Thank you Yvonne (I feel the same away about you) and thank you wonderful Wendy.

    And thanks Cortney, nice to have you back my friend!

  20. Okay, I thought you really loved us until you brought Spam into the picture. That is only for those special followers who complained, right? RIGHT?? :) I mean, we all told you not to go and not to change a thing, but I ain't eatin' no Spam, chica.

    That is an awesome stat! I'll admit that movie is what made me consider writing a blog, too!

  21. Sounds like a big ol smart person to me. :)


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