Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trust me... I don't got it!

Some days you have it and some days you don’t.

I love the days when I decide to write a post and I don’t have to reach for any words.  It’s like my fingers are on fire and they are spilling out exactly what’s in my heart, or my soul, or just on my mind.  No effort required.  Oh how I am missing that!

Unfortunately, I am a tad uninspired today, well the past week or so.  Whether that is a case of my ridiculously sore legs being my focus, or the fact that I have been eating cherries all day and I am farting so much that I have burned out the hair in my nostrils and am actually disgusted with myself, or that I went to touch up the roots of my hair and I did it with the wrong dye and now I have a copper penny head with blonde long strands and it has been horrifying me straight now for the last two days, one can only guess.

Needless to say, I have nothing to talk about except that I am kind of a disgusting oozing mess who has been gobbling and sucking up cherries like an ant eater on speed!


Ain’t I a beauty!

suggest a topic for me to write about in my next post!

Cheers for now.



  1. Shopping always makes me feel good, so why not write a post on shopping and show us some things you'd love to buy for yourself. Just a suggestion.

  2. Lol! I've been posting a lot of worthless fluff lately! Had a bunch of cherries too, since up north, mi was full of em. Need to stop eating them but they're just so darn good!

  3. Oh Barb... if I wrote about how much I loved shopping, I would have to start a whole new blog just on that, the book Confessions of a Shopaholic I swear was written about me... lol

    And Burkulater...thank gawd I am not the only one!

  4. good lord that photo makes me scrunch up my face. ick.

  5. You are too funny!

    Sometimes writing about nothing is the best way to go. You're real, that's all that matters.
    And I'm so glad I'm not in the room with you right now. I get enough gas smell from my daughter!

  6. New ideas? How do you top food, farts, and nostril hair?

    (I actually considered something constructive, but that would be so out of character when presented the opportunity for a fart joke. Y'know, I'd love to give you a good guest post on my sainted mother and her sound effects!)

  7. Write about how selling your house is going. Have you had any really funny/odd people come look at it?

  8. How do you get such volume in your eyelashes?

  9. Well, there you go: Cherry-induced farts.
    Trust me, I've written blogs on far less (remember my post about urea being in my heel cream?).

  10. Them some pretty good ideas (she says with a fake accent)...

    Thanks for the giggle.

    As for you Carole, Lash Blast by Cover girl... LOL

  11. Beautiful eyelashes! Mine never look like that! Write about how a follwer of your blog is insanely jealous of your intense and beautiful eyelashes. No? Hmm, well it worth a shot. :)

  12. Cherries sound pretty good right about now, since I'm stuffed on coconut. Forget about shopping or anything else, what we need is a post on your favorite farting foods, listing them from most flatulent to least. A description of the different type and smell of farts produced by the different foods would also be very useful. You could title it: What makes Tracy fart' or " A smell for every season". As you can see, I've been having trouble coming up with worthwhile topics for my blog as well...lol

  13. damn. you DO have good eyelashes.

  14. better cherries than chocolate!

  15. Love cherries! I've been sucking up wonderfully delicious apricots this last month, but their season's short lived, so no more till next year same time. I know someone who would think your hair blunder was perfection. She's sported purple hair before, but that was before she needed a job, lol.

  16. Oh my God! How about some other food? Or what you watch on TV? We want to know!

  17. One day I am going to round up all these pics of bits of Tracy and put them all togeher in some sort of picasso type montage.

    I would like you to write a post on why Mangos are so much better than cherries.
    Then I would like another post on why shopping for bags is bad for your health.
    And finally, a lovely long post on all the things you want to do when you come visit me here in Australia.
    Now go do your homework missy (hehe)

  18. Cherries rule!
    I like to know what TV you watch, and movies interest you.

  19. How about writing a post that addresses how the ancient Assyrians were the target of others in Mesopotamia because of there enviable resources?


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