Sunday, December 12, 2010


The Heavens have opened up with a ferocious rain that is mercilessly bouncing off the road and the sky is blacker than the ace of spades. It's 8:30 a.m. but it feels more like midnight. I am told its the Pineapple Express on route from Hawaii and kissing the coast of the western side of Canada. Flood warnings are in effect but the sounds of a million drops pounding on my roof is nothing short of spectacular. My oblivious pooch and my better half are still snug as bugs in bed, deeply snoring their trumpet like song.

I am up and about as my back can only take so long in a lying stance before I plump up like a painful sausage.  In all honesty, I am okay with getting up early.  It's my time.  Quiet and peaceful, I am alone in the neighbourhood while all other homes remain in blackness.

I wander around my little place of solitude and put on the fire and curl up with a blanket.  And I drift deep into my thoughts only popping out of them every once in awhile when the house lets out a small groan as it settles around me.

I make myself a lovely cup of lavender tea and snap on the Christmas Tree lights and gaze at it adoringly. Just a soft glow, but oh how that glow puts me into a serene trance.  Thoughts stop whirling around and my over active brain goes silent and I am just here in this moment.  This wonderful, blissful moment.

And then I realize...... 

It's just another amazing Sunday morning.

Until Next Time
Smooches Pooches


  1. It has been snowing here and we must have well over a foot now. We're waiting for it to stop before we even think of bundling up to snow blow and shovel. I love my quiet time too! Sitting in the glow of the Christmas tree and sipping tea. I could really relate to your post!

  2. We're having snow and now I her freezing rain..oh to clear my thoughts! How I would love a clear mind~
    have a great Sunday..enjoy your tree..:)

  3. enjoy your peace & heat this morning. we just saw our first snow flurries of the year. and quite possibly, our last.

  4. I almost feel guilty because it's gorgeous outside and warm. I took my chubby Chihuahua and my attached to my legs pit-bull for a walk and we actually got hot....Anyway, love the post. I have a mini Christmas tree with light in the garage, that I have not gotten out yet, now I think I will. Thanks Tracy..

  5. It's moving into the below zeroes here tonight-yippee! Love that frozen face feeling. I like to get up early in the morning and enjoy the peacefulness, too. Although living by myself, it's usually pretty peaceful. Unless I talk to myself really loudly!

  6. No snow here in Southern Maine, either. The rain is coming down in buckets and the temp is in the 40s.

  7. You're very poetic and peaceful today...I love it.

  8. What a nice start to a stormy Sunday morning!

  9. Love it Tracy, you have such an amazing way with words. I love early mornings and stormy weather too.


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